Silva Lab
Our research group motto is to drive and dictate in situ therapeutic angiogenesis with minimally invasive material systems. Our long-term goal is to engineer novel polymer-based vehicles for controlled delivery of cells, drugs and/or genes in the context of ischemic tissue regeneration. Overall, our current research interests target vascularization as a critical enabling technology to engineer or regenerate virtually any tissue or organ system. (more details) Pubmed || Google Scholar

Congratulations to Shahin Shams, Justin Madrigal and Roberta Stilhano for their recent publication: Characterizing the encapsulation and release of lentivectors and adeno-associated vectors from degradable alginate hydrogels (PubMed Link).
Congratulations to Kevin Campbell and Roberta Stilhano for their recent publication: Enzymatically degradable alginate hydrogel systems to deliver endothelial progenitor cells for potential revasculature applications.
Eduardo Silva was promoted to Associate Professor (with Tenure) in the Department of Biomedical Engineering.
Congratulations to Kevin Campbell for being award with a Predoctoral fellowship from the NHLBI Training Program.
Congratulations to Justin Madrigal for successfully defending his Ph.D.!!!
Congratulations to Priscilla Williams for successfully defending her Ph.D.!!!
Hadley DJ. and Silva EA. Thaw-Induced Gelation of Alginate Hydrogels for Versatile Delivery of Therapeutics. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2019 May. (PubMed PMID: 31044339)
Madrigal JL*, Shams S*, Stilhano RS and Silva EA. Characterizing the encapsulation and release of lentivectors and adeno-associated vectors from degradable alginate hydrogels. Biomaterials Science 2019 Jan 29;7(2):645-656. (PubMed PMID: 30534722) (* authors contributed equally to this work)
Campbell KT, Stilhano RS and Silva EA. Enzymatically degradable alginate hydrogel systems to deliver endothelial progenitor cells for potential revasculature applications. Biomaterials 2018 Oct;179:109-121. (PubMed PMID: 29980073)
Madrigal J.L., Sharma S.N., Campbell KT, Stilhano R.S., Gijsbers R., Silva E.A. Microgels produced using microfluidic on-chip polymer blending for controlled released of VEGF encoding lentivectors. Acta Biomaterialia 2018. (PubMed PMID:29398644).
Torres A.L., Bidarra S.J., Pinto M.T., Aguiar P.C., Silva E.A.# , Barrias C.C.# Guiding morphogenesis in cell-instructive microgels for therapeutic angiogenesis. Biomaterials 2018 Feb;154:34-47. (#co-senior and co-corresponding author) (PubMed PMID:29120817).
Williams PA, Campbell KT, Silva EA. Alginate hydrogels of varied molecular weight distribution enable sustained release of sphingosine-1-phosphate and promote angiogenesis. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 2018 Jan;106(1):138-146. (Pubmed PMID:28875559).