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October 17, 2019

Congratulations to Kevin Campbell for receiving the Richard and Joy Dorf Engineering Fellowship. This award is intended to support students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement and exceptional personal leadership.

October 14, 2019

Our first Our first preprint is now online! 🤓🥂👍🍾 Great work by Dustin Hadley and all the other co-authors. Open-source 3D printed air-jet for generating monodispersed alginate microhydrogels – (Link)

June 06, 2019

Congratulations to Kevin Campbell for receiving the 2019-2020 Summer Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) Award. This award is intended to support graduate research in engineering, computer sciences, and disciplines with engineering-related applications and methods.

June 03, 2019

Congratulations to Shahin Shams for receiving a pre-doctoral fellowship in the Pharmacology Training Program (NIH T32). Shahin Shams will be supported by the NIGMS-funded Pharmacology Training Program (T32GM099608).

May 28, 2019

Dean Curtis and Shonit Sharma.

Congratulations to Shonit Sharma for being awarded the 2019 Ghausi Medal. The Ghausi award is given to an outstanding graduating senior from the UC Davis College of Engineering. It is the highest honor bestowed upon an undergraduate in the college. We are all proud of Shonit! Congrats!

May 19, 2019

Congratulations to Jonathan Ho for receiving the Strauss Scholarship. Jonathan Ho is working in our lab under the direct mentorship of Dustin Hadley. For more details about Jonathan’s award check the link.

May 02, 2019

Congratulations to Dustin Hadley for passing his Qualifying Examination!! Dustin did an outstanding job defending his project!!

May 01, 2019

Thaw-Induced Gelation (TIG) schematics

Congratulations to Dustin Hadley for his recent publication at Annals of Biomedical Engineering: Thaw-Induced Gelation of Alginate Hydrogels for Versatile Delivery of Therapeutics. PubMed-link

March 05, 2019

Eduardo Silva was interviewed concerning his involvement with the UC Davis first generation initiative. (Link)

January 11, 2019

Kevin Campbell (right) receiving the award for best oral Presentation (January 2019)

Congratulations to Kevin Campbell for being awarded with Best Oral Presentation award during the first North California Biomaterials Day.

December 12, 2018

Congratulations to Justin Madrigal, Shahin Shams and Roberta Stilhano for their recent publication at Biomaterials Science: Characterizing the encapsulation and release of lentivectors and adeno-associated vectors from degradable alginate hydrogels. PubMed-link

December 06, 2018

Eduardo Silva named a 2019 Emerging Investigator by Biomaterials Science. The 2019 Biomaterials Science Emerging Investigators were individually nominated by members of the journal’s editorial and advisory boards, as well as previous Emerging Investigators, in recognition of the honorees’ potential to influence future directions in the biomaterials field.

November 15, 2018

Eduardo Silva gave a presentation at the Department of Biomaterials, University of Oslo, Norway.

August 14, 2018

Kevin Campbell and Joshua Massey.

Kevin Campbell and visiting student Joshua Massey (Humboldt State University) performed their first isolation of progenitors cells derived from an human cord blood unit. Thanks to our California’s Umbilical Cord Blood Collection Program.

July 02, 2018

Congratulations to Kevin Campbell and Roberta Stilhano for their recent publication at BiomaterialsEnzymatically degradable alginate hydrogel systems to deliver endothelial progenitor cells for potential revasculature applications. Check it out here. PubMed

June 26, 2018

Eduardo was invited to visit and to present at the Instituto Superior Técnico (Dept. of Bioengineering) (Lisbon, Portugal).

June 07, 2018

Chancellor Gary May, Shonit Sharma and Prof. Annaliese Franz (left to right)

Congratulations to Shonit Sharma for being awarded the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research (Simonton Prize).

April 28, 2018

Shonit Sharma presenting his work during the Annual Undergraduate Research Conference.

Shonit Sharma presenting his research during the 29th Annual Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Conference (2018). Great oral presentation with a demo during the presentation.

April 27, 2018

Laureen Uyesaka (right) presenting her work during the poster session.

Laureen Uyesaka  presenting her research during the 29th Annual Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Conference (2018). Great job, Laureen!!

April 06, 2018

Eduardo Silva was promoted to Associate Professor (with Tenure) in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, UC Davis.

March 16, 2018

Kevin Campbell receiving an award for best poster presentation during the Lymphatics GRC (2018).

Congratulations to Kevin Campbell for being awarded during the Lymphatics Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) Gordon Research Conference (GRC)  for best poster presentation. Congrats Kevin!!!

February  02, 2018

Congratulations to Justin Madrigal for his recent publication at Acta Biomaterialia. Microgels produced using microfluidic on-chip polymer blending for controlled released of VEGF encoding lentivectors. Check it out here.

January 29, 2018

Congrats to Shonit Sharma for receiving a first place for his poster and delivered a plenary lecture at the Harvard National Collegiate Research Conference Conference (NCRC), held Jan 18-20. The Harvard NCRC is the nation’s largest student-run research conference, with over 200 students from 81 universities participating this year.

January 12, 2018

Congrats to Shonit Sharma for being selected as a plenary speaker in the Harvard National Collegiate Research Conference.  The National Collegiate Research Conference, hosted by the Harvard College Undergraduate Research Association (HCURA), began in 2012 as a platform for undergraduates from across the nation to share their interest in research and to facilitate the creation of a cohesive undergraduate research community. Currently, this is the nation’s largest undergraduate student-run conference and features over 200 undergraduate students from 81 universities.

December 11, 2017

You can now follow us on Twitter (@silvalabUCD) and Instagram (silvalabucd)!

December 04, 2017

Congrats to Shonit Sharma for being awarded an Undergraduate Travel Award!

November 07, 2017

Alginate microsphere loaded with blood vessel forming cells (green) and MSCs. MSCs secreted collagen (red) that was critical for blood vessel forming cells to organize and create networks within the microsphere.

Congratulations to Ana Torres for her recent paper entitled Guiding morphogenesis in cell-instructive microgels for therapeutic angiogenesis. This paper has been published in Biomaterials! Check it out here.

October 11-14, 2017

The Silva lab was active sharing our research efforts during the 2017 Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting. Three talks and one poster! Congratulations to Priscilla Williams, Justin Madrigal, Kevin Campbell and Shonit Sharma.

Shonit Sharma (left) and Eduardo Silva (right).

August 22, 2017

Congratulations to Priscilla Williams and Kevin Campbell and co-authors for their recent publication – Alginate hydrogels of varied molecular weight distribution enable sustained release of sphingosine-1-phosphate and promote angiogenesis. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A (in press).

August 21, 2017

Congratulations to Kevin Campbell for being award with a Predoctoral fellowship from the NHLBI Training Program. Congrats, Kevin!!!

July 14, 2017

(left to right) – Prof. Silva, Dr. Madrigal, Prof. Nolta and Prof. Leach.

Congratulations to Justin Madrigal for successfully defending his PhD. Justin delivered his presentation fantastically!! Awesome, Dr. Madrigal!

July 10, 2017

Congratulations to Kevin Campbell and co-authors for the recent publication – Alginate hydrogels allow for bioactive and sustained release of VEGF-C and VEGF-D for lymphangiogenic therapeutic applications. PLoS ONE (PDF).

June 28-30, 2017

Shonit Sharma presented his work during the 18th Annual UC Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium at the UCLA.

Shonit Sharma presenting his poster at the UC Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium.

June 19, 2017

Congratulations to Shonit Sharma for being awarded with a Undergraduate Travel Award. Shonit will be presenting his work during the 18th Annual UC Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium at the UCLA.

June 01, 2017

Congratulations to Lauren Uyesaka for being awarded a Provost’s Undergraduate Fellowship. Lauren Lauren is a second year undergraduate biomedical engineering major, working under direct supervision of Roberta Stilhano. Designing cell delivery vehicles with programmable degradation is the title of Lauren’s project. Congrats for the fantastic work!!!

April 28, 2017

Marina Gabriel and Shonit Sharma presented their research at the 28th Annual Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Conference. Congrats for the great job!!

Marina Gabriel and Eduardo Silva

Eduardo Silva, Justin Madrigal and Shonit Sharma (from left to right)

April 07, 2017

Justin Madrigal presenting his research to John Maroney.

Justin Madrigal presented his research to our BME External Advisory Board members, including to John Maroney (picture).

April 02, 2017

Congratulations to Priscilla Williams and co-authors, our recent publication (PubMed link) was selected as cover image for the April issue of the Annals of Biomedical Engineering (link).

February 12, 2017

Congratulations to Justin Madrigal and Roberta Stilhano for the recent publication – Biomaterial Guided Gene Delivery for Musculoskeletal Tissue Repair (Pubmed PMID: 28166711)

Schematic illustration of biomaterial approaches for gene delivery in musculoskeletal tissues.

January 10, 2017

Our recent published work was highlighted in the UC Davis BME website (see link).

Illustration of howalginate-chitosan hybrid hydrogels could be used to further control the release of S1P.

Illustration of howalginate-chitosan hybrid hydrogels could be used to further control the release of S1P.

December 15, 2016

UC Davis Chile

Eduardo Silva, Eliette Angel, Pablo Zamora, and Francisco Díaz (from left to right).

Visiting  Santiago, Chile! Eduardo was invited by the UC Davis Chile program to give a seminar and to interact with local researchers and University leaders. 

December 01, 2016

Congratulations to Priscilla Williams and our collaborators for the recent publication – Comparison of Endothelial Differentiation Capacities of Human and Rat Adipose-Derived Stem Cells – Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (PubMed link)

November 22, 2016

Congratulations to Priscilla Williams and all the other co-authors for the recent publication – Alginate-chitosan hydrogels provide a sustained gradient of sphingosine-1-phosphate for therapeutic angiogenesis – Annals of Biomedical Engineering (Pubmed).

November 21, 2016

Priscilla PhD defense

Priscilla PhD defense (from left to right – Prof. Eduardo Silva, Prof. Tony Passerini, Dr. Priscilla Williams and Prof. Jan Nolta)

Congratulations to Priscilla Williams for defending her Ph.D.!! Fantastic job – Dr. Williams!!

October 11, 2016


Congratulations to Justin Madrigal  and all the other co-authors for the recent publication – Journal of Materials Chemistry B. – Microfluidic generation of alginate microgels for the controlled delivery of lentivectors

October 05-08, 2016

Congratulations to Justin Madrigal for presenting his work (oral presentation) at the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting in Minneapolis. Congratulations to Priscilla Williams for her poster presentation. Eduardo Silva served as  the Angiogenesis platform session chair.

August 06-12, 2016

 Justin Madrigal presented his work at the Gordon Research Conference – Drug Carriers in Medicine & Biology

July 01, 2016


Congratulations to both Roberta Stilhano, Justin Madrigal and all the other co-authors for their recent publication on Journal of Controlled Release (Pubmed)(pdf)

June 13-15, 2016

Screen Shot 2016-06-17 at 11.09.51 AM

Silva Lab members participated on 17th Anunal meeting Bioengineering UC. Priscilla Williams gave a talk. Justin Madrigal and Kevin Campbell presented a poster. Eduardo Silva chaired a session.

June 01, 2016

Congratulations to Justin Madrigal for being accepted to present in the upcoming Gordon Research Conference – Drug Carriers in Medicine & Biology (August 7-12, 2016).

May 16, 2016

Congratulations to Kevin Campbell for the UC Davis travel award.

Apr. 08, 2016

It was a busy day!

In the morning, Kevin Campbell presented his research to the BME External Advisory Board, including to Don Chigazola, current Chair of the External Advisory Board.  Thanks Kevin for representing so well our lab!!!

2016-04-08 11.33.58

In the afternoon, Chaithra Sathisan presented her research during the UC Davis 27th Annual Undergraduate Research. Congrats Chaithra!

2016-04-08 17.57.55

Mar. 28, 2016

Congratulations to Kevin Campbell for presenting on the Lymphatics Gordon Research Conference (GRC) and for being awarded with outstanding contributions to conference discussions. Congrats Kevin!!!


Mar. 01, 2016

 Screen Shot 2016-03-04 at 4.12.36 PM

Congratulations to Kevin Campbell for being selected for the Grad Slam Competition. We are looking forward to your participation in the final!

Jan. 15, 2016

Fabio Carvalho arrived to California. He will be working in our lab as a visiting fellow. Fabio is a Master student that was awarded with a competitive Albert Renold Travel Fellowship and he decided to visit our lab during his award. Welcome to the lab, Fabio!!

Dec. 17, 2015

Priscilla Williams was awarded with a Graduate Student Travel Award. Congratulations Priscilla!!

Dec. 11, 2015

Kevin Campbell joined the Silva Lab. Welcome Kevin!!

Dec. 04, 2015

SIlva Lab party_2015

Silva lab Christmas party !!!! See other pictures here.

Nov. 24, 2015

Eduardo Silva delivered a lecture at Sacramento State University at the Regenerative Medicine lecture series – Journey of Stem Cells: Material-based systems for engineering new vascular networks (see the lecture)

Nov. 23, 2015

Eduardo Silva was invited to NPR/Capital Public Radio and to talk about our group research. Eduardo chatted with Beth Ruyak on Insight and you can hear the interview here.

Oct. 28, 2015

Eduardo Silva presented at the 2015 NAE Frontiers of Engineering Education – “Peer-review” teaching strategies for a multidisciplinary audience.

Oct. 11, 2015

Congratulations to Roberta Stilhano and co-authors for their recent publication on FASEB J (Pubmed). (pdf)

Oct. 10, 2015

Congratulations to Priscilla Williams for her oral presentation at the 2015 BMES Annual Meeting

Sept. 04, 2015


A group of five UC Davis’ undergraduate students from the Special Transitional Enrichment Program (STEP) tour the Silva research group laboratory.

Aug 21, 2015

The UC Davis College of Engineering News spotlight Eduardo Silva participation at the 2015 NAE Frontiers of Engineering Education.

Aug 08, 2015

Congratulations to Priscilla Williams for her recent publication on Annals of Biomedical Engineering (pdf).

July 1, 2015

Eduardo Silva gave an invited presentation at the 2015 North American Veterinary Regenerative Medicine Conference. Polysaccharide-based Systems for Engineering Vascular Networks was the title of his talk.

June 22-24, 2015

Silva lab members  actively participated on the 16th Annual UC Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium at the UC Santa Cruz.

June 08, 2015

Congratulations to Priscilla Williams and co-authors for their recent publication on Tissue Engineering Part B (pdf).

May 21, 2015

Eduardo Silva was awarded with an American Heart Association research grant.

May 15, 2015

Priscilla William and Justin Madrigal presented their research projects at the Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group Student Research Conference. 

May 01, 2015

Sabah Rezvani and Ryan Morgan presented their research projects at the Undergraduate Research Week. Congrats, Sabah, Ryan and Justin (mentor).

2015-05-01 16.57.30

April 22, 2015

Sabah Rezvani presented his research at the John Maroney // BME event at the Menlo Circus Club. The goal of this private reception was to introduce BME @ UC Davis to a group ~20  bay-area CEO’s. 

April 15, 2015

Congratulations to Priscilla Williams and all the remaining  Silva Lab co-authors for their publication on PLOS One (pdf).

April 09, 2015

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The Silva Lab research was featured on the National Academy of Engineering website.

April 2, 2015

Ana Torres joined the Silva Lab. Welcome Ana!!

January 27, 2015

Congratulations to  Justin Madrigal for passing his Qualifying Exam. Justin did an outstanding job defending his project!!

December 22, 2014

Congratulations to Sabah Rezvani for being awarded with an Provost’s Undergraduate Fellowship. Project title: “RGD Alginate Scaffolds for Lentiviral Transduction”. This is a great achievement for Sabah as he was the only Engineering  student to be awarded this year.

December 01, 2014


The Silva Lab research was featured at the UC Davis Medicine Magazine winter issue 2014/2015. Healing powers is the title of story.

November 21, 2014

Congratulations to Priscilla Williams for being awarded with an American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship. The title of the project: “Manipulation of Endothelial Progenitor Cell Homing with Sphingosine-1- phosphate for Therapeutic Angiogenesis”. The award starts in Jan. 2015 and is approved until Dec. 2016.

November 9-12, 2014

Eduardo Silva participated on the Frontiers of Engineering of the National Academy of Engineering.

November 04, 2014


Eduardo Silva participated on the event  “Dinner with a Scientist“, where he have the opportunity to learn with the Sacramento area high school students about their student projects.

October 22-25, 2014

Congratulations to Priscilla Williams & Justin Madrigal for presenting their work at the Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society (San Antonio – Texas).  Eduardo Silva was responsible for co-chairing a scientific meeting – Stem Cells in Translational Science.

August 2014

Farewell to Roberta Stilhano, it is time for her to return back to Brazil. You will be missed. Best of luck!!

July 06, 2014

Congratulations to Priscilla Williams for being selected to give a scientific talk at the Gordon Research Conference (GRC) / Gordon Research Seminar – “Endothelial Cell Phenotypes in Health & Disease”. The Endothelial Cell Phenotypes in Health & Disease Gordon Research Seminar was held in conjunction with the Endothelial Cell Phenotypes in Health & Disease Gordon Research Conference in Spain (Girona).  The title of talk was: “Investigating the Role of Sphingosine-1-Phosphate and Hypoxia on Mature and Progenitor Endothelial Cells”.

June 04, 2014

Eduardo Silva was awarded with a Hellman Foundation fellowship.

April 11, 2014

Congratulations to Priscilla Williams for passing her Qualifying Exam for her Ph.D.. Priscilla did a fantastic job presenting her project!!

February 04, 2014

The Silva Lab have a new graduate student. Welcome Roberta Stilhano to the Lab!!

December 03, 2013

Eduardo shared his passion for research with high school students from the Sacramento area during his participation in “Dinner with a Scientist

June 21, 2013

Congratulations to Priscilla Williams for wining a Best Poster award at the 14th Annual UC Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium!! 

May 24, 2013

Congratulations to Justin Madrigal for being awarded with a HHMI fellowship!! 

May 03, 2013

Congratulations to Priscilla Williams for her poster presentation at the Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group annual meeting

April 28, 2013

Congratulations to Wayne Leu for his oral presentation at the Undergraduate Research Conference (URC_UCDavis)

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